36 Hours in Phnom Penh

36 Hours in Phnom Penh

Got 36 hours to kill in Phnom Penh? Find out what to do, where to go, what to eat and where to stay! Having lived as an Expat here in Phnom Penh I’ve found that generally people will have around 36 hours to take in ALL of the highlights

Short getaways out of Phnom Penh

Short getaways out of Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is the perfect gateway for short getaways – here are a few i’ve enjoyed! Saigon – Vietnam It is possible to go to Saigon for the weekend and it is really easy to arrange. Here are some details: Getting there: By Bus: Cost – Overnight bus USD14,

5 Things to do in Phnom Penh (you may not have thought of)

5 Things to do in Phnom Penh (you may not have thought of)

1. Urban Forage Food Tours (Of course) Are you a passionate foodie? Are you limited for time in Phnom Penh? Do you want to get out to see and try some ‘real’ Cambodia food in a safe environment? Do you fancy trying the best of the best Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh Foodie Tours

Phnom Penh Foodie Tours

Food Tours Are you a passionate foodie? Are you limited for time in Phnom Penh? Do you want to get out to see and try some ‘real’ Cambodia food in a safe environment? Do you fancy trying the best of the best Phnom Penh restaurants?  Yes? Awesome, let’s be

Travel tips

Travel tips

Below you will find some of my top travel tips and FAQs, they should help give you a good overview of where to start or where to go next! If you have any other questions remember I am here to help so please hit me up via email xo

[IR]Responsible travel

[IR]Responsible travel

Sex Tourism Over the past few days I have been contemplating whether it’s too soon to write this blog post – which shows a darker side to Cambodia. However, I think it is an important message so the sooner I share it the better… For those who are lucky

20 Freelance jobs you can do from anywhere in the world

20 Freelance jobs you can do from anywhere in the world

In this weeks blog I thought I would get you all thinking about some of the possibilities and opportunities that are out there waiting for you to get your mittens on! If you want to become location independent and work from anywhere in the world or perhaps you just

Top 5 websites for discount accomodation

Top 5 websites for discount accomodation

Want to know where to get the best deals on the cheapest accommodation? There are a few websites you should be checking out depending on what style of accommodation you are after. Here are my top 5: Booking.com A great website with loads of different accommodation loaded up and

Ready, Set, BOOM!

Ready, Set, BOOM!

Welcome to my very first weekly catch up, thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate your time. I thought a good place to start is with my Why? Ducky – Why have you quit your secure, amazing job that flies you to exotic locations? Why are you selling everything

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