20 Freelance jobs you can do from anywhere in the world
silhouette of the photographer at sunset TBAXQG7

In this weeks blog I thought I would get you all thinking about some of the possibilities and opportunities that are out there waiting for you to get your mittens on! If you want to become location independent and work from anywhere in the world or perhaps you just want the flexibility to work for yourself then this is the post for you! I have compiled a list of 20 jobs that you can do from almost anywhere in the world. These are just some of my ideas, I would love to hear what others you have – lets get our thinking caps on!

My list of possible freelance jobs!

Travel Writer – you don’t necessarily have to have training in this area just passion and a way with words! I have come across some amazing opportunities to get your writing out there. One great website is HARO (Help A Reporter Out), you can register here and they send you stories that reporters are after – if one suits you and your skill set you send in your proposal – how knows you may end up in the New York Times (it has happened!). I am also looking for writers to co-author Inside Guides – check out more info HERE

English Teacher – one of the best qualifications you can get if you want to work overseas is your TESOL or TEFL Certification. You can get this prior to your arrival, there are some great online courses like i-to-i’s Online TEFL course or some countries will have places where you can do your qualifications in country.

Graphic Designer – providing you have clients and your equipment you can take your graphic design business on the road on a freelance basis! To get more clients check out the Elance post below!

Blogger – you can blog about ANYTHING – it doesn’t have to be a travel blog – everyday people are making a living through their blogs. I just did a search of blogs and found one dedicated to hungover owls – photos of owls looking hungover – surely there is a niche out there with your name on it!!! Before you get started I would HIGHLY recommend checking out Derek Halpern’s website Social Triggers. I am currently doing some training with Derek and I wish I had access to this info before I got cracking on my blog but I am also thankful that I have found it now 🙂

Photographer – got a camera, got a smartphone? Why not try your hand at freelance photography!!! I have found some amazing websites where you can sell your pics. My favourite is Society 6 where the process is so simple – you upload your image, put what mark up or profit you would like, customers browse, put in an order, Society 6 prints it, mounts it or turns it into an iPhone cover, cushion or t-shirt and then posts it for you! Easy…

Elance worker – if you haven’t checked out Elance, you definitely should. They claim to be the number one site for freelance workers. Categories range from IT, design, writing, sales through to admin support and everything in between! I use Elance workers for a range of projects and have found the people I hire to be great!

Musician – OK so you will probably have to have some skills to follow this path but if you are already a musician there is no reason why you couldn’t take your talents on the road!

Author – everyone has a story to tell, an interest or passion. Write about it! I don’t consider myself an author but I have a borderline obsession with both food and travel so I combined the 2 and wrote World Tables – the national dish of every country in the world (Self plug – you can buy it and support me HERE :-). Where does your mind go when you day dream? This is a good place to start. You can also look at being a co-author for my Inside Guides.

Interpreter – again you will have to have a pretty specific skill set but if you are bi-lingual you could use those skills not only in foreign countries but also in your home country! There are also a lot of jobs calling for interpreters on Elance so you could use your skills and work from anywhere!

Tour guide – I think for this job you would just need knowledge and passion for a particular area whether it be your hometown or your adopted home town! I am starting to do some private touring here in Cambodia and it’s just so exciting to show off my new home to visitors. Some examples of touring options that I am currently doing are street food tours, shopping tours, hidden wine bar tours as well as my 12 day retreat. There is no limit to what you could do but I wanted to do things that no one else is offering. If you guys are heading over to Cambodia or know someone who is hit me up HERE would love to show you around!

Film Maker – if you have a camera, smartphone, gopro etc you can become a film maker! It is easy to create your own Youtube channel and upload your vids – believe me if I can do it anyone can!!! I have created a few amateur, shaky travel videos HERE but I am sure you guys can do better!!!

Youtube sensation – you don’t necessarily have to be a film maker in the making to be a You Tube sensation. As I am sure we all know there are some crazy clips of random things that have millions of hits (“Aint nobody got time for that”). Usually just a case of being in the right place at the right time so always have you camera or phone at the ready!

Virtual Assistant – working virtually is not the future but is now an everyday reality and so this industry has seen tremendous growth in the past 5 years. Entrepreneur.com has a great article about setting up your freelance VA business HERE and again there are hundreds of VA jobs going on Elance.

Volunteer – if you aren’t looking at making money, but rather giving back, volunteering is an awesome option and one of the most rewarding travel experiences you could possibly have. My only advice is that you check the credibility of the organisation (eg. If they want to charge you $500+/wk for the privilege of volunteering I would be questioning) before you start, while there are some amazing organisations making real differences, there are also some shady characters out there!

NGO worker – another great volunteer option or quite often you will have the luck of being able to give back while getting paid!

If you don’t have the necessary skills for any of the above or they simply didn’t tickle your fancy here are 5 fun freelance options!

Etsy Shop Owner – check out Etsy – an amazing online store where up and coming designers and craftspeople sell their wares. Another option here is to source amazing things from your travels and sell them through your Etsy store if you aren’t all that creative!

Busker – good at doing magic tricks, playing the ukulele, making a poodle out of a balloon, tight rope walking, eating fire? Hit the streets and try your luck!

Yoga Instructor – here is a job you could set up anywhere! Yes you would have to be qualified but once you were you could work, get fit, get paid and look HOT!

Face painter – everyone loves a butterfly on their face!

Gigalo (whoop there it is!) 😉

I really hope you liked this weeks blog and that it got you thinking about what you could do, the only limit is your imagination. If you did like it please SHARE it around with your friends and sign up below for weekly love if you haven’t already done so.


Check out my Ebook 101 Jobs you can do anywhere in the world

101J v1cover


Move to Phnom Penh

The Art of Non-Conformity

$100 Startup

Packing List

Travel Tips

Now I would love to hear from YOU! Can you come up with 3 more ideas of freelance jobs? Hit me up in the comments section below. Can’t wait to hear your ideas!

With gratitude,

Ducky xoxo

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